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THE ONLY TIME we suggest and indemnity plan (fixed benefit plan) is when used in conjunction with actual health insurance. We feel it can be great supplemental but not a stand alone product.

Did you know the term “insurance” cannot be used by providers of indemnity plans?  People asking us to compare what we find for them are asking us to compare apples and oranges and there is not good way to compare!


  • Health insurance is a highly regulated product.  Indemnity coverage “often masquerades” as a traditional health insurance product, but it is not regulated.  Brookings Institute
  • “Brokers have been trained to use scripts that are designed to obscure the nature of the plan to make consumers believe the product is regulated…” Brookings Institute
  • “Consumers who accidentally purchase a fixed indemnity plan may find themselves surprised by large bills if they have a serious medical event…”  Brookings Institute


Ask your agent/sales person if you bought “Health Insurance” or a “Health Plan!”

You can  often do a simple Google search to find out what you really purchased!

Ask us to check if what you have is insurance!