Choose from the the following products that we recommend which fit your needs and budget in the state you selected…
Each plan works differently so make sure you carefully read the brochures each company has to offer before making a decision
You can also refer to the search box at the top for help understanding some of the terms that may be used.
If you need to review or familiarize yourself with the different plans then please go back to “All Agents Read This” page.
You won’t believe how great their rates are! Freedom of No Network! PIVOT Health has become very popular with real estate agents we work with. See any doctor in the continental U.S.A. This way, you never have to worry about looking for a doctor that accepts your insurance! Have the doctor bill the insurance company. The insurance company will pay their portion (if it’s covered) Then, they will send you an EOB (Explanation Of Benefits). letting you know your responsibility
PIVOT Health is one of those companies that offer VERY flexible deductible and coinsurance options to keep your rates down. We recommend PIVOT Choice to save more money, and we like PIVOT EPIC and PIVOT Deluxe because of the extra perks.
PIVOT Health also offers multi-year plans in some states for some plans. We like those because they’ll help you save money over the full term of the plan, and they are the most secure.
PIVOT Health is a tech company that designs robust health insurance plans and is owned by PIVOT Health offers plans through underwriters Companion Life and The North River Insurance Company. They have designed great plans with no network and some with the CIGNA Network so you can choose for yourself!
If you want copays or if you do want to use a network like CIGNA, then PIVOT has even more options! Check out their EPIC and CORE plans!
Make sure you pair your plan with a supplement that covers the total amount of your out of pocket responsibility; especially if you go with a higher deductible plan.
2. Allstate Health Solutions (Great Rates!)
The company everyone trusts: Allstate Benefits, has recently acquired National General’s Accident and Health insurance. National General is the company you see on TV with Snoop Dogg, Shaquille O’Neil, or the cartoon General mascot. We have received great feedback from many agents for over four years on National General’s health insurance. They don’t advertise their health insurance on TV, saving money and passing the savings on to you!
Allstate has our favorite supplement to cover most of your financial responsibility when catastrophe strikes! You can pair Allstate’s TrioMED or Plan Enhancer with not only their health insurance but with other carriers like PIVOT Health and United Healthcare.
Yes, you can even use TrioMED or Plan Enhancer to cover your high deductible “ACA” / “Marketplace” plan!
United Health Care Insurance: United Healthcare is available in some states where our other recommendations are unavailable(Example: PA). We like United Healthcare because of its reputation and nationwide PPO network “Golden Rule.” United Healthcare is sometimes a bit more money but offers some extra perks that some may feel necessary. United Healthcare is also available in some states where our other recommendations are unavailable.
This is United Health Care’s ACTUAL INSURANCE. This is Not a “Health Plan” offered by many salespeople and agents. If you don’t know the difference go to our glossary and look up “Health Plan“ and/or “Indemnity.” Based on a lot of direct feedback from Real estate agents we strongly recommend “Real Insurance” and we ONLY suggest indemnity plans to fill in gaps, for example: a supplement.
When you shop for insurance, ask the salesperson if they offer “Health Insurance” or only “Health Plans!”
AMERITAS (Dental & Vision)
If you choose United Healthcare or PIVOT Health we highly recommend Ameritas for dental and vision.
If you choose an Allstate health insurance plan and their dental plan (Dental Prime PPO) is not available in your area then recommend Ameritas
Ameritas is our favorite recommendation for dental and vision. This is based on the great positive feedback we get from real estate agents.
If you were glasses or contact then you will be very happy with their Vision plan.
If you take care of your teeth the way dentists recommend then their dental will pay for itself!
Remember that dental coverage gets higher the longer you are on it so if you plan on having some work done then start the clock now.
They have a couple of great networks to choose from.
If you use a dentist in their network look-up, which is highlighted in green, you will save the most money!
Life Insurance Products and Annuities
- Final Expense
- Mortgage Protections
- Long Term Care
- Term Life
- Whole Life
- Cancer/ Heat Attack/ Stroke
For Life Insurance products please make an appointment to speak with an agent about your unique situation. Some life insurance companies work much better for certain people. It pays to look at a many companies and products. We’ll sort out the best options for you and save you time!