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Pivot Health has some plans with No Network.

You have the freedom to go to any doctor nationwide. Simply have the doctor send the bills to the insurance company. They will pay the portion of the bill they are responsible for. This is also a great plan while traveling!

Reference-Based Pricing!

Reference-based pricing occurs when a provider submits a claim to the Claim Administration. The administrator then pays the provider based on Medicare allowable amounts. Pivot Health reimburses medical providers based on a percentage above payment maximums higher than Medicare allowable amounts, paying up to 150% of Medicare allowable amount for medical facilities and up to 125% of Medicare allowable amount for medical professional services and supplies.

All Provider Access!

With All Provider Access plans, members choose providers that best fit their needs without network restrictions. There is simply one benefit level for all providers, differing from a PPO plan where there are separate in-network and out-of-network benefits.

No Balance Bill!

If a member is presented with unexpected charges on covered benefits for which the member is not liable due to cost share or limitations, the Plan’s Claim Administrator is authorized to resolve the balance bill on their behalf. The member is required to notify Plan’s Claim Administrator if an unexpected charge is incurred.