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In many cases, you can easily save $900 to $3,500 per year by NOT purchasing a prescription plan!

A  prescription plan is between $75 and $200 per months. That’s between $900.00 and $1,800.00 a year! PLUS, you still have a copay AND they only pay a limited maximum set by the terms of the plan. In many cases they will only pay half!

Make sure to get RX discounts when picking your health insurance plan. They may actually be included in some plans as part of an association fee! RX discounts are not the same as prescription plans. They will get you discounts on medications; not cover them.

We are looking to save you the most money possible. It is recommend to get an RX plan if you are already on certain expensive medications (that is listed as a covered) or expected to be on one. If your expected cost of medication is going to be less than the plan itself you are losing money.

SMART INSURANCE TIP: If the time occurs that you end up needing a medication that, is on the expensive side, we can usually find deep discounts by using There are discount coupons available on their site. (We are not affiliated with GoodRX in anyway. We just think they are great!

SMART INSURANCE TIP: If that doesn’t bring the medication down to an obtainable price, then we highly recommend They will often be able to get you medications for only $50.00 per month!!!

Here is the Prescription insurance plan we recommend when needed:

PRAM Pharmacy Benefits Plan Enrollment