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Please read this full page first. Then toward the bottom of the page fill out the form to “request quote/ join United Healthcare insurance now!”  We’ll respond with a link to quote /sign up!

United Healthcare has its own huge network, which is a Nationwide PPO!

We like United Healthcare because of its reputation. United is also available in some states our other favorites are not. (Example: Pennsylvania) United is sometimes a bit more money but offers some extra perks that some may feel necessary.

For example, you can add a United supplement called United HPG Guard Series which will give you wellness visits and other perks.

Keep in mind that if you add in Wellness visits, you may pay a lot more by the end of the year on your premium!!! Paying out of pocket for wellness may cost a lot less over the year!!!

IMPORTANT: This is ACTUAL UNITED HEALTHCARE INSURANCE. This is not the UNITED “Health Plan” offered by many companies!


If you are shopping for HEALTH INSURANCE ask sales people if they offer real insurance. If not, it is probably a “Health Plan” or “Indemnity plan” which may have an even more limited number of benefits (Limited benefits)

Choose Your Deductible & Coinsurance Option

Obviously, the higher you feel comfortable with a deductible and co-insurance (Max-out-of -pocket) the lower your monthly premium rate will be. Keep in mind, that we can’t emphasize enough, the need for a supplement to cover your deductible/ Max Out of pocket. When you are most likely to hit your deductible/ max out of pocket the supplement can cover you until your health insurance starts to pay. The price of a supplement is MUCH less than the LARGE amount you save by going with a higher deductible.

This way you pay less and still have strong coverage by mitigating most of the financial risk!

Term Lengths Up To 36 Months!

The 3 carriers we recommend most offer term lengths from 3 months to 36 months! (Depending on the state)

“ACA” “Market Place” “Obama Care” plans are one term year at a time.

This causes a bit of confusion. Why is a 36 month plan considered a “Short Term Medical (STM)” plan?

We believe it’s because they were originally designed to cover people in between coverages needing another option. If the coverage is good for you and costs a lot less, then staying on an STM plan may make sense and you can capitalize on this. The caveat is that in some states we recommend; regulations state that you can only be on one carrier for a set period of time then must switch to another. You can usually go right back to the original company so if you have two good insurance companies you can just go back and forth saving a lot of money.

IMPORTANT: In some states, Carriers are only allowed to offer 3-6 months of Short Term Medical (STM) coverage at a time. For example, you can have United for 6 months then PIVOT for 6 months then back to United.

Please don’t be upset with the Carriers or us. We don’t make the laws!

Every state has different regulations so make sure you know the length of the plan you are purchasing. Remember, YOU MAY have to switch to another carrier for a period of time and then back again. A little extra work but may be worth it! Or, you can go on an “ACA” “Market Place Plan”  but only during “Open Enrollment!” (Historically November 1st- December 15th for much of the country) Please check your local laws for the current and future Open Enrollment periods.

Because of the popularity of STM plans, they have evolved. Insurance companies have been adding features, making them more robust, to incentivize people to stay on their plans. This works out well for you.

Most of the Real Estate Agents we work with fall into this category that qualifies and can benefit from STM plans.

Keep in mind: Many people won’t qualify for STM plans or have preexisting conditions which only “ACA”, ” and Market Place” compliant plans will cover. We can help you decide what works for you!

United Healthcare has lots of options!

United has so many plans and options available it may take a bit of investigation to decide which works best for you.

In states where it is available, our favorite plan is “TriTerm Copay Select Max” for a number of reasons including its copays and term length of about 3 years. If you are looking to save as much money as possible, make sure to look at the side-by-side comparisons of each plan. You can also adjust the deductible and co-insurance for most of their plans.

Large nationwide PPO network

“With UnitedHealthcare health insurance plans, you’ll have access to a large provider network that includes more than 1.3 million physicians and care professionals and 6500 hospitals and care facilities nationwide.”

-From the United Healthcare website

Cover your financial responsibility with a supplement!

The higher you feel comfortable with a deductible and co-insurance (Max-out-of -pocket) the lower your rate will be. Keep in mind, that we can’t emphasize enough, the need for a supplement to cover your deductible/ Max Out of pocket. When you are most likely to hit your deductible/ max out of pocket the supplement can cover you until your health insurance starts to pay. The price of the supplement is MUCH less than the LARGE amount you save by going with a higher deductible.

To protect yourself while using our Smart Insurance Strategies, United Healthcare also has supplements like Health Protector Guard (HPG) / Accident Plans/ Critical Illness Plans that we strongly recommend pairing with their health insurance to protect you when on a higher deductible plan chosen to lower your premium.

It allows you to go with a higher deductible, lowering your premium significantly and mitigating most of the financial risks.

Make sure to compare the different supplemental options to see which fits your lifestyle and budget

Again, if you are looking to save as much money as possible, you can pair Allstate Health Solutions (Formerly National General) TrioMED or Plan Enhancer here with your United Healthcare plan instead of Health Protector Guard (HPG)!

Remember: TrioMED and Plan Enhancer by Allstate Health Solutions (Formerly National General) will not add wellness visits!

It’s an extra step but may potentially save you a lot of money!

Now, in case of an accident, heart attack, stroke, critical illness, or cancer, your overall responsibility will be covered (less $250.00 deductible for TrioMED or Plan Enhancer). The insurance company is now paying at 100%!!!

Many supplements like Plan Enhancer and TrioMED usually have only a $250 deductible that goes down to $150 in year 2 and to zero in year 3.

Wow, only up to $250 for a catastrophic event?!!!
Add Telehealth to your plan!

It’s not expensive and can save you A LOT of money and time. You’ll also lower your exposure to other sick people! Healthiest You by Teladoc Health is what we recommend.

If it is necessary for a doctor to see you, they will let you know.

They can actually handle a lot over a Tele-Health call including calling many prescriptions!

Do you need an RX Discount or RX insurance plan?

In many cases, you can easily save $900 to $4,300 per year by NOT purchasing a prescription plan!

A prescription plan is usually between about $75 and up to almost $350 per month. That’s between $900.00 and $4,300 a year!

PLUS, you still may have a copay AND the plan may only pay a limited maximum set by the terms of the plan. In many cases, they will only pay half!

Make sure to get RX discounts when picking your health insurance plan. They may actually be included in some plans! (Check plan details!)

RX discounts are not the same as prescription plans. They will get you discounts on medications; not cover them.

We are looking to save you the most money possible. It is recommended to get an RX plan if you are already on certain expensive medications (that are listed as covered) or if you expect to be on one. If your expected cost of medication is going to be less than the plan itself you are losing money.

PRAM is the Prescription insurance plan we recommend when needed. They have a drug look-up to see if the medication you need is covered. Click the PRAM logo below to see if your medication is covered!

If the time occurs that you end up needing a medication that, is on the expensive side, we can usually find deep discounts by using There are discount coupons available on their site. (We are not affiliated with GoodRX in any way. We just think they are great!

You can also find great discounts by using (We are not affiliated with SingleCare in any way)

If that doesn’t bring the medication’s cost down to an obtainable price, then we highly recommend They will often be able to get you medications for only $50.00 per month!!!


Allstate Health Solutions (Formerly National General) Also has great dental coverage in most states. If their Dental Prime PPO plan is unavailable, we recommend, in most states, AMERITAS. Look at the benefits in your specific state. Then, decide which works best for you. Natgen will also give a bundle discount if you add supplements like dental and vision.

Before signing up, look at the step-by-step video instructions we provided below!
When you fill out the form below you will get a link to our sister site to quote/sign up for United Healthcare. After you sign up, come back to this site for your supplements if you haven’t already gotten them!